Vibrators Have Changed and can be found in adult lifestyle centres, online sex toy shops, supermarkets and adult boutiques. One of the most gratifying releases from daily stresses is to receive sexual pleasure. Women can gain sexual pleasure from a lover, masturbation or effortlessly from a sex toy.

We understand that every woman is unique with different desires, sexual fantasies and requirements. Good Girl Guide hopes to inform you about sex toys, sexual lifestyle and health information to empower women. Women can enhance their lives and feel better about using sex toys.

vibrators have changed
A Woman’s Pleasure

Vibrator History

In 1883, the first electric vibrator was developed by Joseph Mortimer Granville named the “Percusser” or the “Granville’s hammer”. This machine was originally developed to relieve muscle aches and sold to physicians. When the Percusser was used on women they found that the women experienced orgasms.

In the late 1880’s, Kellina Wilkinson designed the Percusser for sexual stimulation to treat “congestion of the genitalia” and “female hysteria”. Doctors tiringly used to treat women manually with their fingers which is why the electric vibrator became popular.

Women who had complained of not being able to achieve orgasm, were educated and taught how to use the machine. They learned how to easily achieve orgasms. It was the first phase of the sexual revolution where women knew how to please themselves.

Vibrators Have Changed

In 1902, Hamilton Beach patented the electric vibrator making it available to everyday consumers. Sex toys were advertised without restriction in media such as Sears & Roebuck, Needlecraft, Modern Priscilla and the Woman’s Home Companion.

In the 1920’s, vibrators were advertised in adult magazines that were considered taboo at the time due to their sexualised content. General public perception formed shameful stigmatized opinions. Restrictions were made as to where vibrators for women could be sold and advertised. They took a back-seat for more than 50 years even though vibrators have many benefits. And there are still loads of vibrator myths around.

In the 1980’s, women demanded that they should be readily accessible and safer to use. This brought back tremendous demand for sex toys. Adult companies over the next 20 years became more innovative with designs, materials, branding and marketing.

Now all types of vibrators for women can be found.

many types of vibrators sold online

Vibrator Benefits

Vibrators and sex toys have a lot more benefits then just sexual pleasure.

  • Provides Stress, Pain & Insomnia Relief

When a woman orgasms, her body releases natural mood relaxing and pain relieving chemicals. The main chemical released is oxytocin which is known for it’s role in female production and causes a great sense of relaxation through the mind and body. This may be felt as a warm glow.

  • Provides Social Assistance

Hormone oxytocin is a hormone which assists levels of bonding, social skills and desire.

  • Increases Sexual Functioning through Arousal & Lubrication

There are unanimous findings that women who use vibrators have a better sexual lifestyle with higher levels of sexual functioning. Using a vibrator during foreplay can help build a woman’s arousal, elasticity and natural lubrication levels before penetrative sex.

  • Provides Effortless Masturbation

If you have ever found yourself tired after a long day. There are many vibrators with a push of a button work wonders with deep vibration, clitoris tickling and oral pleasures

  • Helps Sexual Dysfunction

Vibrators are often used to help women suffering from sexual dysfunction. Sometimes a vibrator may be the only method of achieving sexual pleasure or orgasm.

  • Builds Sexual Autonomy

If someone is new to masturbation, doesn’t have a lover or has had a bad sexual experience they may wish to find a new way to reach sexual fulfillment by themselves. A vibrator is an easy way to fulfill these needs.

Many women with mental or physical disabilities may find it difficult to experience sexual pleasure. In these instances, vibrators for women will allow them their god given right to experience sexual relief. And may become an essential part of their life.

  • Increases Blood Flow

Vibrators can increase blood flow to the genitals ensuring that they do not atrophy and rejuvenate them. Orgasms will cleanse the vagina, ensuring that passages remain clear whilst strengthening the pelvic wall.

  • Improve Bladder Control

When a women orgasms, the contractions can cause your pelvic floor muscle to strengthen which helps to evade incontinence.

Reasons Why Vibrators for Women are better than a Lover

Your Vibrator…

  1. Always hits the right spot.
  2. Will always fulfill your needs, desires and requirements with endless pleasure.
  3. Is always erect and never gets a softie.
  4. Quiet, never complains, doesn’t need to be sweet talked and will always listen to you if you talk to it.
  5. Doesn’t fall asleep or finish before you achieve an orgasm.
  6. Won’t give you a Sexually Transmitted Disease or Infection.
  7. Can be turned on at any time.
  8. Be turned off at any time.
  9. Doesn’t turn you off.
  10. Has no expectations of you, doesn’t require you to do your hair, get dressed up. Go somewhere you don’t want to.
  11. Is not interested in other people, sleep with friends, cheat on you or is married to someone else. Or expect you to introduce him to your parents.

And More Reasons….

  1. Won’t compromise you, become jealous or embarrass you (unless you take him through customs).
  2. Is not messy, always neat, easy to clean and never needs to be cooked for.
  3. Has no issues like alcohol, drugs, crime offences or debts.
  4. It won’t borrow money or your car.
  5. Works.
  6. Doesn’t have a vengeful ex, weirdo friends or goes out with the boys.
  7. Will not make you pregnant.
  8. Doesn’t have annoying habits like hogging the remote, turning the volume to loud. Watching programs you don’t like, listening to horrible music.
  9. Doesn’t lift the toilet seat or leave skid marks in the bowl.
  10. Loves your pet and doesn’t have a pet.


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