Dating Kissing: A How To Guide
How to Date
As a good girl navigating the real world both Dating Kissing are words that are filled with anxiety and fear. Lets have a look at how we can get rid of those fears. We have some of the best dating advice for girls in their 20s so read on.
Present Yourself
If you feel good about the way you look all you have to worry about is spending time with your date. It is also a way to tell people who you are. If you are dating online use realistic photos that show you in your best light. When you meet up for the date be well groomed. Get a haircut, have a shower, use deodorant and wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and beautiful.
Dating is a Journey
You’re along for the ride. Enjoy what is happening in the moment then focusing on the end goal of having a short term or long term partner. Invest in the experience of finding out about the person you are spending time with.
Understand The Concept of The One
Evaluate how many people you may meet. Out of the people you are looking for one person to match your personal qualities, needs and wants. With each person you met, there is a different future.
Be Authentic
On your first date you may be nervous. But ensure that you do your best at being honest and authentically you. If you spend time just being yourself, you don’t have to worry about being something you’re not. Don’t attempt to be someone you are not. It will be extremely tiring if you get future dates.
Pace Yourself
If you are planning on telling your date your plans for the future and dreams make sure you take a slow pace. Telling people upfront plans can scare them away from having further dates with you as you are looking to far ahead.
Ask Open Ended Questions?
You can try asking about something which brings them positivity in their daily lives will bring that into the conversation. Learn whether you are into the same things and what they are good at. Ask open ended questions. It can lead to other conversation pieces.
If You’re Quiet.
Invite them to something you enjoy and can talk about. If you love movies. Take her to a movie and speak about it afterwards.
Although we are a modern society people still love some good old fashioned Chivalry. From pulling out your date’s chair, to getting the door or holding your dates hand so they have balance. Offering good manners can show your enthusiasm to your date.
Drink Less
Handle your alcohol. Sometimes when we get nervous we reach out for things that make us feel calmer. Buy a beverage which you know you will drink slowly like a beer.
Can I Get The Cheque?
If you both are about to pay for the date, you can ask if “Can I Chip in?” Maybe your date would like you to chip in he will politely agree to it. If you are strapped for cash, you can plan the date yourself. For example, rather than going to a high end restaurant. Take your date out on a canoe adventure and get a quick bite afterwards.
Be Modest
If you are looking for an authentic relationship your date may not like it if you show off what you own. Look for someone who is genuinely interested in who you are rather than what you have.
End the Date
If you are feeling disconnected or the date is going horribly you are allowed to walk away. Always be polite and say something like “Thank you for your time, I will have to leave now”. If you do enjoy his time, you can ask if he or she would like to go on a walk with you. Or you can get there number for a future encounter.
How to Kiss
Keep Fresh Breath & Lips
- Brush your teeth twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night time.
- If you have just eaten or your breath smells throughout the day, use mints or refreshing chewing gum that you can easily spit out.
- Use lip balm rather than lip gloss or lipsticks. Lip Balm will offer a smooth sensual kiss. Lip gloss is sticky and can get everywhere. If you choose to wear lipstick, the lipstick could rub off all of your kissing partner. Using a lip product may let them know you might be ready to be kissed.
Give Signals
- If there are too many people around and that makes you feel uncomfortable ensure you are in a private location.
- Kiss the side of his cheek which lets him know you may want a kiss on the cheek.
- Hold their hand.
- Move hair away from their face.
- Longingly look up into his/her eyes.
- Look down at his/her lips.
- Smile encouragingly.
- Lick your lips and bite your lower lip whilst looking at them.
- Slowly move your face into his/her for a kiss.
- Place your hands behind his/her neckline and play with their hair.
- Let him/her know you want to be kissed by saying something like “Can you kiss me?” Some people are unaware of social cues and will not kiss you if you don’t ask.
How To Kiss
- Look into his eyes so you are connecting with them.
- Then look at where his/her lips are to ensure you a heading towards the right direction.
- Keep your lips soft and not excessively open. Move your lips into a comfortable positions on theirs, apply some pressure and go slow. First kiss should go for above 3 seconds but not above 20 seconds.
- Don’t do anything elaborate like a French kiss. You will need some practice with normal kissing.
- If you feel uncomfortable stop what you are doing immediately and let them know that you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes people use kisses to begin dry humping, pelvis grinding or groping.