There are is a lot of myths and misconceptions surrounding the use of vibrators. This article will look into Debunking 13 Vibrator Myths! So you can feel rest assured next time your bring out your sex toy for some self loving with a complete guide on vibrators.
Vibrator Myths
1. A Vibrator will numb your genitals
Numbing sensation can occur if you use a vibrator consecutively for many hours of a day. This numbness will only last temporarily. Daily and intermittent use of a vibrator for up to half an hour will not numb the genitals.
2. A Vibrator will make your muscles permanently twitch
Permanent or temporary muscle twitching is called fasciculation. It is a small and involuntary muscle contraction and is no different from an eye lid twitch. Within the genitals, muscle twitching can be caused by any type of stimulation including hand masturbation or vibrator use.
If you are concerned, think of it like this. You would not be worried to read or work on your computer again if your eye began to twitch. Most likely, this is the same type of situation. Twitching usually subsides after a few days. To help relieve muscle twitching you can try to relax the muscles.
For example, have warm baths or hold out from sexual activity for a couple of days.
3. After you use a Vibrator, sex will never feel the same
Most couples will incorporate a vibrator into their sex lives to improve sexual enjoyment and love making. Vibrators use can make orgasms easier to achieve which decreases sexual performance anxiety. Your lover can also watch, be involved or control the sex toy. Sex toys do not replace ‘the real thing’ but accessories or accompany it.

4. Vibrators and sex toys are addictive
They are used to enhance masturbation or a couple’s sexual lifestyle. Many women use vibrators to experience a female orgasm for the first time. Which may be the beginning of their sexual activity increasing. If you use a vibrator it doesn’t mean you are addicted to using it. But rather enjoy it as masturbation is a natural and pleasurable experience. If all you want to do is use a vibrator you may need to see professional medical help from a general practitioner, counsellor or physician.
5. Vibrators are embarrassing to use with your partner
Using a vibrator with your lover will strengthen your relationship with higher levels of intimacy, trust, honesty, communication. A greater understanding of how each others bodies work and understanding of what turns each other on. Sex toys improve romance effortlessly especially if your partner is tired.
6. Vibrators usage feels sleazy
First dildos discovered were dated back to 23,000 BC in Germany made from smooth stone. The earliest dated dildo was 8 inches long. These dildos were made over 26,000 years ago. Ancient dildos are a very common find which leads people to believe the idea of self-pleasure was completely natural.
Our bodies have a natural desire to procreate. It is natural for us to seek modern ways of fulfilling our sexual needs effortlessly. People from all walks of life use sex toys on a regular basis. Using a sex toy does not make you weird or strange in fact it is quite the opposite.
7. Vibrators emit harmful low frequencies emissions and heat
They do not emit harmful low frequency emissions or low frequency heat. Vibrators vibrate at different speeds – that is it. Any heat caused by friction is not low frequency heat and is not harmful to the body.

8. Vibrators cause unnatural orgasms
Any orgasm of the body is created naturally whether it is through masturbation, sex or using a vibrator.
9. Vibrators will weaken pelvic floor muscles
Vibrators can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles when they spasm during orgasm or masturbation. Specific sex toys have been made to strengthen the Pelvic Muscles including the Kegel Balls, Love Eggs and Ben Wa Balls. Which are often recommended for women after giving birth to use.
A strong pelvic muscles allow you to achieve orgasms more easily and also make the vagina tighter for your partner.
10. Vibrators gives people incontinence
Prevent urinary incontinence as they strengthen the pelvic wall and floor. Vibrators could aid in the treatment for urinary incontinence.
11. Using a Vibrator will increase the size of a vagina
Size of a person’s vagina does not reflect on vibrator use. Most vibrators for women are of standard size between 6-8 inches in length and average girth. If anything using a vibrator will tighten the vagina. You can however buy a vibrator for the specific purpose of stretching your vagina.
12. Sex toys are dangerous
Consider that over 70% of women own a sex toy. There have been only one or two instances in the world of someone being injured by the use of a vibrator. chances of being injured are less than winning the lottery. When buying a sex toy it is important to make sure that you purchase from an authorized retailer. Or the sex toy has compliancy certificates.
Keep your sex toy clean and hygienic. If you don’t keep your sex toys cleaned you may get thrush or other infections. Before and after every use it is recommended you use a sex toy cleaner. And then store the vibrator as directed.
13. All Vibrators are the same
No two vibrators will give you the same sensations or feel. Never make the mistake of buying the cheapest and simplest vibrator. Sure it may give you pleasurable sensations but there will always be a difference in quality.
I hope this article has helps you debunk these 13 vibrator myths!
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