Whether you had the best year of your life, or if 2019 couldn’t be over fast enough, the new year is a chance for a fresh start and tips on How To Get Laid. It’s another chance to be better, and live your best life. For some people this means working out and eating right for others it could be a career change.
But we often don’t take enough time to examine our relationships and sexual needs.
How to Get Laid in 2020
As 2020 has just started its not too late to set some realistic goals & make a change.
Love & Understand Yourself First
Think about what you want from an encounter, and what you have to offer. Be honest about what you’re looking for. If you just want to hookup, communicate this early. Whether this is in your Tinder bio or in conversation, communication is important. It saves you from misunderstandings later and honesty makes it easier for everyone to get what they want.
If you want to know how to get laid, first know what you have to offer. Be confident in your strengths, whether it’s your humor, or your intellect. Going off on an ego trip isn’t attractive, but confidence and self awareness are.

Meet Lots of New people
Once you know what you want, it’s a matter of going after it. Try going out more, get on a dating app, start a new hobby or even speed date. And get ready to meet a lot of new people. Mixing up your habits can introduce you to a new pool of people to get to know.
You may have a ‘type’, but opening up your mind & opportunities to different kinds of people will make for more varied interactions and make dating kissing more interesting. Now I’m not saying it will be easy. You’ll probably message & swipe through hundreds of people before you actually meet up with someone but trust the process, remain open minded & don’t go in with expectations.
Whats meant to be will be!

Accept Rejection
When messaging or chatting to people it’s important to not take rejection personally. If someone doesnt want to have sex with you or doesnt wish to continue a conversation dont force it. Rather than forcing the interaction, let it go and move on if it’s clearly not going anywhere.
There are plenty of people who want all sorts of different things. So don’t get discouraged if you have to message a lot of people before meeting someone who seems invested & on the same page as you.
Embrace the Date
Dating should be fun. Worrying about how to get laid can not only put pressure on the other person, create unnecessary stress for yourself and inevitably ruin the experience. Instead of focusing on how to get laid, look at dating as a way to meet cool new people, and see where it goes from there.
Even if this person isn’t ready to have sex with you now, they may want to in the next few weeks or months. As long as you’re a likable, fun person to be around they’ll want to spend time with you.
Whether or not this leads to sex isn’t certain, however you could still have a good time or make a new friend in the process. More people you are meeting and having positive interactions with, the more chances you have for a successful sexual encounter. Your vibe will attract your tribe.
Take Pride in Your Appearance
When it comes to getting laid this may be an obvious one. But I cannot stress enough how important personal hygiene & taking pride in your appearance is when helping you get laid this year. Now it’s not all superficial, I’m not saying go splurge this weeks paycheck on a new outfit but put that little bit of extra time, attention & care into yourself really does make a difference.
Go for a walk to clear & open your mind, have a relaxing long bath & ensure your hygiene is of a high standard. No one wants to get close & intimate with someone with bad body odour.
Now if worse comes to worse & you can’t seem to get any you should come visit the friendly team at your adult store & treat yourself with a toy. Besides it will probably make you feel better than most people could!