Traveling Alone And Want Company? Hire A Gentleman

Traveling Alone And Want Company? Hire A Gentleman

Since I started companionship services to Hire A Gentleman, most of my dates were either a night out or a short weekend trip. So, when this lovely woman from Brighton wanted to book me for a two-week trip to Cyprus, I was shocked, to say the least.

My name’s Adrien, and I work as a male escort. Now, while the term “escort” might sound like I’m beating around the bush, my services are strictly non-sexual.  Anyway, I’m here to tell you about my experience overseas with a client. And tell you what traveling with a companion is like, and why you should consider it.

At Hire a Gentleman We Take Our Job Seriously

I’ll be referring to my client as Olivia to make things easier. Of course, that’s not her actual name. There is necessary confidentiality and respect for privacy that all male escort services go by.  Olivia and I had already gone on several dates before our trip. That made things easier for her since I was someone she already knew and trusted.

I was excited to hear that we were going overseas. And felt honored that she appreciated my company that much. I won’t explain why she planned a trip to Cyprus. But it was a mixture of business and personal reasons, as luck would have it.

It was my job to keep Olivia entertained for our whole vacation

I wanted to make sure all her needs were covered.  Preparation is crucial, so I went to work straight away. I started studying the history of Cyprus, the local culture, any upcoming events and festivals, the best places to dine, party, rest — everything.

Also I made sure to pick out the perfect wardrobe for such occasions. Naturally, I had to look my best wherever we went like dating kissing. It took some work. But I had several days to get ready, which was honestly plenty.

hire a gentleman
Sexy Male Escort

There Are No Strings Attached

I have tons of respect for people like Olivia. She’s passionate about what she does and very dedicated to her work. That dedication is the reason why she opted for a male companion.  People in her position don’t really have the luxury of mingling around and meeting new people.

Now, in my line of work, the client sets the terms for intimacy, what kind of behavior is acceptable and what isn’t. I went over everything with Olivia to understand her needs and expectations.

After that, everything flowed smoothly.

I know what some of you think

  • “What if your client happens to find you really attractive and decides that she wants something more than just companionship during a date?”

That’s a fair question — and yes, being someone who works hard to look his best, I’ve been there. The answer is straightforward, as you’ve probably guessed:

Companionship is strictly just business.

Olivia and I connected extraordinarily well from the get-go. I’d be lying if I said our nights in Cyprus were void of romance; there was something in the air, as they say.  Fact that our relationship is not actually a partnership doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy moments of platonic intimacy, quite the contrary.

Suppose a client gets caught up in the moment and develops certain feelings. In that case, it’s our job to bring everything back down and remain professional.

That’s precisely one of the most significant benefits that clients have from working with escorts. They know that no matter where we go and how much fun we have.  In the end, we respectfully say “Goodbye” and go our separate ways.


One part of being a gentleman is keeping a lady safe. It’s not explicitly stated in the job description, but it’s what we do.  Knowing she’d have someone like me along, Olivia could enjoy her trip and set her mind at ease. She’d be safe at all times and wouldn’t have to deal with unwanted attention from strangers.

I won’t lie; Cyprus felt overwhelming at times. On our fourth night there, a fight broke out at the club we went to — nothing too dangerous; a few drunk lads just decided to have at it.

My focus was on Olivia.

While the security quickly took the guys outside, I noticed a worried expression on Olivia’s face.  Now, these kinds of situations always make my job harder. Fights and security don’t equal a good time. That’s kind of my entire job. As Olivia’s companion, I asked her if she was alright and wanted to go somewhere else.

I already had a backup plan, but she assured me that everything was fine, so we stayed. It turned out to be one of the most unforgettable nights we had!

Choosing The Right Gentleman

Here’s the thing.  If you’ve never hired a companion, you’re understandably worried. I mean, if you’ve never hired an escort, then your first time can be stressful and maybe even a little scary.

Lucky for my clients and me, I happen to be a very extroverted person. I adore meeting new people and connecting with them. Dynamic social environments and people from all walks of life.  I’m all about it. I believe that you gain invaluable experience from quality social interaction. That’s precisely what this job allows me to do.

If you’re like me and are considering working as an escort, I hope that my experience made you open to giving it a try!

One Thing To Keep In Mind

Although this is very clearly stated, I’ve had two occasions where clients didn’t understand what taking an escort on a trip meant. Namely, they thought they only had to pay my fee and plane tickets. Clients actually cover all expenses the escorts have, including hotel rooms, movie tickets, and restaurant bills.

Final Recap 

If you’re a woman pursuing her career and need a quality travel companion, look no further than a male escort.

Instead of taking a shot at the dark in meeting a random person or hoping that one of your friends won’t mess up your plans, you can rely on us for everything.  Gentlemen for hire will go above and beyond to make your trip the best it can be without overwhelming you with annoying facts and details you don’t care about.

We are there as your best friend, a dating partner, and travel guide — all in one.